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Oakfield Junior

Oakfield Junior

Physifun Stars!

On 20th March Mrs Smith took 5 pupils from years 3 and 4 to participate in the Physifun Challenge at Greville School. 

A total of 80 children from schools across Mole Valley participated in a carousel of physical activities which celebrated our core values. Oakfield had the smallest team - most other schools had 10 or more participants. Mrs Smith says that our small team worked wonderfully well together, they showed courage and cooperation, as well as brilliant teamwork and we are hugely proud to say they scored the most points, earning Oakfield first place in the competition! 

This means that Oakfield has qualified to take part in a County Pysifun challenge in July this year. We are so proud of our team - their behaviour and attitude were exemplary, making them true ambassadors for Oakfield's values! Click here for photos



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