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Oakfield Junior

Oakfield Junior


School Clubs are an excellent way to encourage pupils special interests, increase physical activity and develop team work and communication skills. 

School Clubs are held either during lunchtime or after school on school grounds. In addition to clubs run by our own teaching staff the club timetable offers some externally run clubs such as Judo, Tennis or Football. Payment is required for externally run clubs only. To apply for an externally run club please follow the application process on the relevant flyer at the bottom of this page. 

Spring Term clubs are now open. Please note that the option to sign your child up will close on Friday, 3rd January 2025.

Please find below all the relevant information you need to sign up to these clubs along with the clubs timetable for the Autumn Term. Please read the forms carefully paying particular attention to the start and end dates.

Please note that Football with Mr Treen has been split into Spring 'Term 1' for Year 5 only and Spring 'Term 2' for Year 6 only.  

It is important that if you sign your child up for a club that they attend on a regular basis, if they repeatedly miss their club then we will pass their place on to the next person on the waiting list. Always let the office know in advance if your child is unable to make their club due to illness/medical appointment/exceptional circumstances. For all parents/carers who submit this form you will receive an email to confirm whether or not your child has been allocated a place prior to the club starting. If your child is successfully allocated a place they are expected to attend for the remainder of the term. Please make a note of the clubs you have signed your child up for.

If you have siblings that want to attend the same club you will need to submit a form per child.

Please ensure you collect your child on time, repeated lateness will be reported to Mrs Willemse as the schools safe guarding lead.

Breakfast club is run by and held at Fetcham Village Infants and is available from 7.50am (there is a charge). The children are walked over to Oakfield in time for registration. 

Contact details are:-


Tel: 01372 373 502

Fetcham Kids Club run After School care at Oakfield from 3:15pm - 6:00pm. There is a charge for this club). Details available from

Website: After School Club

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