Our new Year 6 Sports Crew Young Leaders have now been appointed and ran their first club at lunchtime on Thursday. For the past two weeks the leaders have been putting together an exciting timetable of activities for our pupils and today they had the chance to introduce themselves in the whole scho...
Parents with children currently in year 2 are warmly invited to come and view our school to help inform your selections for your child's Junior School place.
Over the next week we will be holding year group welcome meetings. Parents are invited to come along and meet their child’s year group teachers, find out about the teaching and learning activities that will be taking place over the Autumn term, and answer any questions you may have f...
As part of the Great British Tea Party activities today, 6CK used the potatoes they have been growing with Mrs Mitchell in our vegetable patch to make potato salads. Their recipes were very creative and the room smelled amazing! They would make the perfect accompaniment to a bbq this summer! The chi...
The sun shone for sports day! The whole school were involved in a carousel of activities in the morning, parents joined us for a picnic lunch, and the races took place in the afternoon. Well done to Griffins House for your winning score of 148 points! Unicorns came second with 134 points, and D...